Green Public Procurement

Green Public Procurement (GPP)


Ordinary public procurement where the product or service procured is eco-friendly and has a lower potential impact on the environment.

Benefits of the Green Public Procurement (GPP):

1. Economic

GPP provides an incentive for industrial innovation.

GPP promotes eco-friendly products and environmental technologies.

GPP saves money by taking into account the life cycle costs of a product.

2. Social/health

GPP may improve the quality of life, both directly and indirectly.

GPP helps to create high environmental sustainability standards for products and services.

3. Environment

GPP enables the public authorities to achieve environmental objectives.

GPP is a model for private consumers.

GPP raises the awareness on environmental issues.

Eco-friendly product:

  • Produced with optimal (minimal) resource cost;
  • Consists of safer and recovered substances/materials;
  • Consumes little energy and other resources;
  • Repairable, replaceable, easy to maintain;
  • Reusable and recoverable;
  • Durable (long service life), functional;
  • Safe to remove.

Eco-friendly service/work:

  • Safer and more eco-friendly materials/products are used;
  • Resources are used optimally;
  • The machines and equipment used are energy efficient;
  • Less waste is generated and waste management is organised;
  • Optimised use of transport and choice of means of transport according to CO2 emissions;
  • Considers the surrounding environment;
  • There is environmental competence and adherence to the best practices.

The Green Public Procurement product and service group criteria are available:

1. Copy and drawing paper

11. Horticultural products and services

2. Cleaning products and services

12. Textile

3. Office IT equipment

13. Imaging reproduction equipment

4. Furniture

14. Street lighting and traffic lights

5. Paints, varnishes and road markings

15. Water heaters

6. Transport

16. Plumbing accessories

7. Electricity

17. Toilets and urinals

8. Food and catering service

18. Electrical and electronic equipment used in the health sector

9. Design, construction, and management of the office buildings

19. Sewage infrastructure

10. Road design, construction, and maintenance


The criteria are based on the product/service life cycle, EU eco-label criteria, information from the stakeholders, and these are in line with the EU Public Procurement Directive.

Website of the Green Public Procurement of the Ministry of the Environment

Categories of the Green Public Procurement criteria of the European Commission