Euroopa liidu toetusmeede tekstiilisektorile

Kõik moe- ja tekstiilidisainerid ning selle valdkonnaga seotud ettevõtted!

Fashion for Change on äsja lansseerinud 6- kuulise kasvuprogrammi moe- ja tekstiilivaldkonna brändidele, disaineritele, start-upidele ja ettevõtetele, kes soovivad oma tegevust muuta ringsemaks või rakendada selles jätkusuutliku disaini põhimõtteid. 

Fashion for Change kasvuprogramm stardib 2022 suvel ning tegemist on 1 aasta vältava programmiga, mis pakub osalejatele mentorlusprogrammi, rahvusvahelist võrgustikku, praktilisi meetodeid ringdisaini rakendamiseks ning rahalist tuge (15 000 eurot) oma projektide ja eesmärkide täideviimiseks. Projektipartneriteks on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Civitta Eesti, Katalista Ventures (Leedu) ja Ecopreneur (Belgia). Projekti rahastaja on COSME.

Programmi kandideerimise tähtaeg on 19.04 2022. Rohkem infot projektis osalemise kohta leiab manusest (pdf) ning Fashion for Change projekti kodulehelt. 

With this special news bulletin we want like to spread the word about the current call for proposals for the Fashion For Change Accelerator Programme 2022

Until April 19, sustainable fashion designers, startups and SMEs from the textiles and fashion industry are invited to apply for

✅ free access to professional resources and mentoring,
✅ opportunities to pitch their creative ideas and projects to investors, plus
✅ a grant of up to 15,000 euros.

Participants are required to partner up and submit their joint proposal by April 19. Those selected will be invited to a designathon in spring.

Fashion For Change is a EU project supported by the European Commission's COSME Programme and managed by as part of an international consortium.

Click HERE for further information, registrations and a full timeline of the Accelerator Programme.


Tune into the Open Call Info Session

Now the open call is up and running, we would like to share a few useful resources to help candidates prepare a winning proposal.

To begin with, we recommend watching this on-demand webinar with a short introduction of  the project, presentations about how to find a partner and apply, findings of our market research about fashion-startups, and - last but not least - an inspirational talk by sustainable fashion designer Reet Aus from Estonia about how she managed to make her sustainable fashion brand a success.

Tune into the webinar HERE.


Open Call Q&A and Matchmaking workshops


Those who are interested in participating in the Accelerator Programme but aren't quite sure how to go about it, - please join the upcoming Q&A and Matchmaking sessions.

Together with our peers from the Fashion For Change consortium, we will answer any questions sustainable fashion designers, startups and SMEs might have.

In a second session, we will help them find the right partner(s) to prepare and submit their proposal in due time, before the closing of the Open Call on April 19. 

Both online workshops are available free-of-charge:

Q&A Session on Thursday, March 3 from 11:00 - 12:30 CET

Matchmaking Session on Thursday, March 24 from 11:00 - 12:30 CET