Supporting materials

On this page you can find a variety of different reports, guidelines, studies and specific tools, such as to test a product's or service's compliance with the circular economy principles.

Studies, reports

Nordic Council of Ministers, 2019 "Designing plastics circulation: electrical and electronic products"

WBCSD, 2019 "The Circular Transition Indicators: Proposed metrics for business, by business"

Polish Circular Hotspot, 2019 "Circular construction in practice"

Circle Economy, 2019 "Building Value: A pathway to circular construction finance"

Circle Economy, 2019 "The Circularity Gap Report"

EUSBSR, 2019 “No time to waste. Unlocking the circular potential of the Baltic Sea Region” 

Euroopa Komisjon, 2019 "Accelerating the transition to the circular economy: Improving access to finance for circular economy projects"

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2019 "Outline of the circular economy"

Holland Circular Hotspot, Circle Economy, 2019 "Circular Cities: Accelerating the transition towards Circular Cities"

Global Utmaning, 2019 "CIRCULAR BALTIC 2030 - Circular economy in the Baltic Sea Region"

European Policy Centre, 2019 "Creating a digital roadmap for a circular economy"

European Environment Agency, 2019 "Paving the way for a circular economy: insights on status and potentials"

European Economic and Social Committee, 2019 "Circular economy strategies and roadmaps in Europe"  

Euroopa Komisjon, 2018 "Behavioural Study on Consumers’ Engagement in the Circular Economy"

Climate-KIC, 2018 "Municipality-led circular economy case studies"

European Environment Agency, 2017 "Circular by design: Products in the circular economy"

Technopolis Group Eesti, HeiVäl Consulting, 2019 "Developing Indicators for Circular Economy in Estonia":

European Economic and Social Committee, 2019 "Circular economy strategies and roadmaps in Europe"  

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has created several helpful materials for policymakers, enterprises and administrative institutions with an aim to accelerate transitioning towards circular economy. They have established indicators that evaluate the effectiveness of an undertaking or a product in the context of circular economy. The foundation has also developed a methodology for assessing the current status and potential of circular economy on a state’s level and how to redirect economic development, based on the example of Denmark. The materials are available at Ellen MacArthur Foundation webpage:

Circularity indicators: methodology and tools to assess how well a product or company perform in the circular economy.

Toolkit for policymakers: tools and methods needed to embark on a circular economy transformation. 

In addition to the materials mentioned above, the web page offers variety of circular economy case studies and publications. Some examples:

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019 "Reuse, rethinking packaging"

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019 "Completing the Picture: How the Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change"

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019 "Circular Economy in Cities"

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019 "Cities and Circular Economy for Food"

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019 "Artificial Intelligence and the Circular Economy"

UN Environment, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019 "New Plastics Economy Global Commitment"


The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra is an independent public foundation operating under the Finnish Parliament. Sitra aims to promote stable and balanced development, qualitative and quantitative growth and international competitiveness and cooperation in Finland by implementing projects that increase economic efficiency, improve the level of education or research, or study future developments. Among other things, Sitra has prepared a roadmap for the Finnish circular economy, which is also the basis for the Finnish government's environmental goals and activities.

Leading the cycle: Finnish road map to a circular economy 2016-2025

Sitra hosts annual World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF), which brings together more than 2,000 business leaders, policymakers and experts to present the world’s best circular economy solutions. In 2020 conference will be held in Canada.

In March 2019 Sitra released the Finnish Circular Economy Roadmap 2.0, an updated version of the previous one, which highlights the importance of understanding different roles - each of us has a role in the circular economy.

Read about Sitra's experience and recommendations on developing and implementing Finnish circular economy roadmap.

European Resource Efficiency Centre (EREK)

EREK is an initiative of the European Commission and it is implemented by a consortium of organisations including Technopolis Group, VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (DE), WRAP (UK), Motiva (FI), Enviros (CZ), WAAT and Arctik (BE).

EREK helps EU companies, especially SMEs, save energy, material and water costs. They provide tools, information and business opportunities demonstrating new and better ways to be resource efficient and benefit from circular economy business models which turn waste into assets.

EREK also supports national, regional and local organisations across Europe that work with SMEs to improve their environmental performance, helping them to become more resource efficient.

EREK database: learn from best practices and explore different ways to save by implementing resource-efficient technologies and measures.

EREK self-assessment tool: test your business's resource efficiency perfirmance.

EREK, 2019 "The implementation of the circular economy in Europe: Perspectives of EU industry cluster managers and regional policymakers"

Life cycle assessment of product or service

openLCA: free software to assess lifecycle of your product or service.

Circularity Check: free tool to evaluate the circularity of a product or service.